Army Values Essay Examples

Army Values - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

For years the United States Army has produced some of our world’s greatest leaders. We’ve heard the stories, seen them in action, and everyone seeks to emulate their attributes to add to the heroic tales of great leaders. However, not all leaders in today’s Army have these great traits and visions. Simon Sinek discusses modern-day leadership in his book “Leaders Eat Last” and expands on important topics that all leaders in today’s world should recognize in order to be one of the next great leaders others will be looking up to. The United States Army, which has been producing leaders since the organization was created, actually defines leadership and all the attributes and competencies that an army leader should have. Field Manual (FM) 6-22 Army Leadership, defines leadership as “the process of influencing others to accomplish the mission by providing purpose, direction, and motivation” (Department of the Army, 2015, Pg. 13). The Army Leadership Requirements Model expands on this by providing three attributes and three core competencies that defines an army leader and what they do. Using three tenants of the Army Leadership Requirements Model, we will compare how Simon Sinek, in his book Leaders Eat Last, expands on these attributes and competencies that all army leaders should possess.

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